Leading the Charge Against Food Waste

The PLEDGE stands as a global certification solution, integrating best practices to reduce waste from procurement to disposal.

Our Purpose- Fostering Change,
Reducing Food Waste

Our Vision

To create a world where zero food waste becomes a norm, not an exception.

Our Mission

We aspire to make food waste a thing of the past and are committed to empowering food service professionals to strive for zero food waste. We aim to significantly contribute to building a more sustainable and waste-conscious global food ecosystem through a transparent methodology, access to tools, and practical recommendations.

Our Values

At our core, we prioritize sustainability, empowerment, collaboration, innovation, community, and transparency as the cornerstones of our approach. These principles guide our efforts to create positive change and foster a sustainable future for all....

Tracing Our Path- The Journey of The PLEDGE on Food Waste

Inspiration: Discovering the Need

We were inspired by the accumulation of best practices across the food journey, from procurement to disposal, leading us to recognize the need for a structured approach.

Innovation: Building Solutions

Collaborated with sustainability and food professionals in the hospitality sector, we innovatively structured these practices into pillars, creating a step-by-step methodology for minimizing restaurant food waste.

Impact: Creating Change

Our ultimate vision with The PLEDGE is to revolutionize the industry by promoting zero food waste to landfills. This will drive impactful change and ensure a sustainable future in which organic waste no longer pollutes landfills.

[The] PLEDGE gave us the momentum to get things done that we’ve been wanting to do.”  

— Evol Gazzarato, Chartwells, and Oakland University