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Food Waste Prevention in Mauritius – Destination Project

SINGAPORE, June 22nd, 2021 – In line with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement to cut carbon emissions by 30% by 2030 and UN’ Sustainable Development Goals 2, 12, 13, and 17, Business Mauritius, with the financial support of HRDC, has contracted LightBlue Environmental Consulting to design and implement an ambitious food waste prevention program on Mauritius Island. The collaboration is made possible thanks to the Living Labs Federation.

10 pilots, namely Mauritius Commercial Bank (2 sites), Constance Belle Mare Plage, Preskil Island Resort, Victoria Beachcomber Resort & Spa, La Pirogue, LUX* Le Morne Resort, LUX* Belle Mare Resort & Villas, Heritage Awali Golf & Spa Resort, and Veranda Tamarin Hotel & Spa are embarking their restaurants on a 6-month journey to cut on food waste, reduce unnecessary costs and negative environmental impacts, and reach the international certification and benchmarking standard The PLEDGE™ on Food Waste.

Each pilot will receive technical training to implement an advanced food waste monitoring system in their kitchen, using LightBlue’s FIT technology. They are also being trained on the 95 criteria and changes required to be certified The PLEDGE™ bronze, silver, gold or all-star, while embarking them on a journey to reach Zero Food Waste to Landfill. Each pilot is benefitting from a dedicated Accredited Consultant to support them in achieving the best results possible.

“This program is part of the Business Mauritius sustainable and inclusive development pact “SigneNatir” with a focus on the theme of the circular economy. We believe that The PLEDGE™ is creating an opportunity to engage not only our strong hospitality industry but further ignite the appetite from distinctive diners who are increasingly expecting responsible gastronomy. Our goal is to become a case study for other countries and destinations to follow suit,” says Mickaël Apaya, Head of Sustainability & Inclusive Growth, Business Mauritius.

Renowned local food rescue organization FoodWise is deeply involved in the project too. After receiving extensive training and assessment on their new technical capabilities. 3 members of FoodWise officially became The PLEDGE™ Accredited Consultants, enabling them to support some pilots in their certification journey and prepare broader adoption of the standard following the completion of this project.

Pilot restaurants are expected to reach the certification and be celebrated during the closing ceremony before Christmas this year. To further motivate the participants, the four best performers will be recognized based on their achievement in four categories (1) highest score on The PLEDGE™ on Food Waste certification (2) biggest reduction in food waste per cover (3) biggest reduction in total food waste and reduction in CO2 equivalent (4) zero food waste to landfill performers.

“This project being a premiere, we couldn’t expect better conditions than this: 8 years of expertise in food waste prevention is basically encapsulated in this project, combining practical capacity building, technology, data analysis, advanced certification, performance benchmarking amongst participants and consulting while nurturing the local ecosystem of food waste solution providers. Multi-dimensional and scalable solutions are now available at destinations’ level, and we will do all we can to make this Mauritius project a resounding precedent for the whole industry,” says Benjamin Lephilibert, Founder & Managing Director, LightBlue Environmental Consulting.

Interested in enrolling your restaurants or canteens in The PLEDGE™ on Food Waste certification journey? Contact us at or visit


SigneNatir is a community initiative led by Business Mauritius to make its island more respectful of people and environment.

Business Mauritius is an independent association, coordinating body and voice of local business that delivers services that sustain the progress of both business and community.

Human Resource Development Council (HRDC) has been vested with the responsibility to look after and promote the development of the labor force in Mauritius in line with the requirements of a fast-growing economy.

LightBlue is a food waste prevention consulting and tech firm with 8 years of practical experience acquired through 45+ projects in 10 countries. LightBlue also builds capacity of consultants willing to become Accredited Consultants on The PLEDGE™.

The PLEDGE™ on Food Waste is a Singapore-based third-party certification and benchmarking system which allows restaurants, hotel outlets and canteens to reduce food waste, cut on costs, get recognized, and nurture the local ecosystem of solution providers.

FoodWise is a food rescue organization in Mauritius who fights against food waste and food insecurity by helping businesses repurpose their unsold food in order to help people in need.

Living Labs Federation supports all game changers around investment projects to achieve their individual goals and increase their collective impact from local purpose to global impact: a “glocal” approach to sustainability.